
Did you know that your Mind is the most powerful tool that you have for making positive changes in your life? Hypnosis has helped millions of people worldwide to change their negative habits into positive habits.

Throughout the years many studies have been done by various educational agencies, medical groups and medical associations on hypnosis. The result of which has determined that hypnosis is beneficial to managing a wide range of problems and conditions. Part of being a Hypnotist is explaining the process to people who call me needing help with various issues.  One of the most important questions I always ask is, “what is your desire to change?” Your belief, desire to change, personal motivation and commitment are the key ingredients for your success. At times, I have had clients ask, “what is your success ratio?”.  The truth is it is not about my success ratio.  It is about you. There is nothing that I or any hypnotist can “say” or “do”, that will  make or bring about  your desired outcome.  As a hypnotist, I am the facilitator to the changes your desire to make.   It’s about you wanting, desiring, and being highly motivated to make the change. You see, it is really all about YOU! And isn’t it wonderful that your success is up to you? After all, would you want to allow someone else to determine that for you? There is a quote that I often think of and it is “if it is to be, it is up to me”.

Throughout my years of helping people bring about positive changes in their lives, I have studied various mind and body techniques. I use and teach these techniques to my clients.  In the past years I have been honored to work with and witness amazing results for helping people realize their own power for self- healing. My personal belief is that “wellness” begin with our thoughts. We are always choosing our thoughts, often though, we may forget our unique creative power, this, that we have within us the power for self healing.

This is the gift of hypnosis. Recognizing that we all have the ability to heal ourselves and it starts with our thoughts. The subconscious mind is the frontier into limitless possibilities.